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Defending Lydia Collier v.0.16 Development Log - Week 15

Hello everybody,

Sorry for the lack of development logs, I forgot to post one with the release of the BETA Scenes and the week before I was abroad for a funeral.

I hope you all enjoyed the BETA and thank you for the feedback I've received so far on it. I'm just about done with Vanessa's adult scenes for the upcoming update, and then I'm going to be creating Tiffany's new scene which I think many of you will really like. Look out for previews of that next week!

Here's some of the previews for those who haven't seen them:

I've also reinvested a large portion of the sales from Steam into another rendering machine. I'm still currently trying to get it up and running, I have spent many, many hours this week trying to decipher Asus motherboard error codes, but I'm hoping to get that resolved finally over the weekend and then there will be a new high end machine to help speed things up.

I'm also going to be adding another scene to the BETA this month which will feature Lydia, so if you're a Lydia fan watch out for that.

When's the update due? It's realistically going to be somewhen in the summe, but that isn't too far away now. Every month until then from now though will see a scene added the BETA so you'll always have something to check out and see some progress.

Thanks for all the new and continued support,


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