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Defending Lydia Collier v.0.16 Development Log - Week 7

Hello everybody,

Here is this week's development log.

This past week I've been working hard finishing the social media, coding it and testing it and at the moment it all works pretty well.

With the game drawing towards its end and with the coming additions of achievements and collectibles I want to have this really nailed down when it's released and don't plan on really touching it too much going forward, and I also plan on using this code and system for future projects which is why I've spent a fair bit of time on it.

Alpha Testers will get the Social Media soon, and then I plan on making this February's BETA Release so you can play around with it and see most of the new pictures that have been included.

Here's a choice associated image that can be posted by Samantha, and one of Sophie's pictures for her new profile as the winner of January's poll.

I'll probably do one more poll for another set of additions before v.0.16 is done, so if you have any ideas of what you'd like to be seen drop them in the comments, and if I think they're fitting I'll include them in the next poll.

Thanks for all the new and continued support!


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