Good Afternoon everybody!
I'm still working hard on finalising v.0.12, and adding some additional features to the game.
So far some of the things that are complete are:
An unlockable gallery featuring all the scenes with the girls so that you can replay them from the main menu.
A transparency slider for the dialogue box.
Some of the planned features still being worked on are:
A full walkthrough.
New computer and tablet UI.
Extension of Ellie's scenes.
What I'm up to:
I've spent the last day adding audio to the game and that is now almost done. One of the things I've found is, especially as the game now has sound, a new bit of evidence could really do with sound itself as it is an audio recording of a telephone call, and sitting just reading with no images seems a bit dull. As you will never meet the person in the recording, you've got nothing to base what they might sound like off of, and to me at least it wasn't very immersive. So I'm currently in the process of commissioning a voice actress to record that and that will be included with the final release.
I've also taken onboard what some people have said about Ellie, and I'm extending her scenes as well and making some new renders for that path. She'll end up having about 100 more renders in total when I've finished on her path.
I'm also making some renders for Kylie, as I felt an exclusive task you can send her on needed a face to face meeting rather than just through the computer.
I'm also putting a lot of time into trying to finish this walkthrough as well, so I'm hoping that should be completed with v.0.12 too. It really does get requested a lot and I think a lot of the frustration to do with some of the additional features and scenes is that people don't know what they're necessarily supposed to be doing or how to get to certain things. With the gallery being added too, I can see a very common repeat question appearing along the lines of "How do I unlock Steph Scene 4" and getting this made would head that off immediately.
With the extra renders, the commissioned audio and the extra features the final release might take a little bit longer, but it is going to end up being like an additional small update rather than just a back-end code fix and some news articles as originally planned, so I'm certain you'll think it is worth the wait.
Here are some images of Ellie and Steph to apologise for the delay!

Thanks for all the new and continued support!