I've made a small area of the website where you can post and questions to get certain paths and routes if you feel like you have missed something, you can also upload Bug Reports here, or directing to the Discord.
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If you have purchased a plan on the website, and are looking to get your Discord rank, you can do this in one of two ways. Firstly DM me on Discord (White Phantom#8625) with the email address you used to purchase your subscription, or secondly, email me (contact@whitephantomgames.co.uk) or use the Contact Page to tell me your Discord ID from the account/email address you signed up with.
Please see the post in the "Supporters Section" for more detailed information.
These are assigned manually, so please be patient and I'll do it ASAP. I check all my DM's and Emails instantly if I'm online, but at least once a day otherwise!
Thanks for reading this, glad to have you onboard!
White Phantom